Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Article review

I would like to introduce an article that I have found particularly interesting and helpful. The title is “Knowledge Management and Action Learning in Blended Training Activities.” (Chandavimol, Natakuatoong and Tantrarungroj, 2013). Whereas authors Pattama Chandavimol, Onjaree Natakuatoong and Pornsook Tantrarungroj from the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand described how blended trainings which combines online and action learning activities could be applicable and productive while holding staff training in the companies or organizations. Since it is very similar to the innovative internship or/ and mentorships that I would like to implement in the WIUT international office this article have attracted my attention for several reasons:

First and foremost is that the authors recommended the Blended Training Activities by applying the knowledge management techniques and action learning into the training process.

The investigation covered 261 respondents who are personnel development staffs experienced in designing training courses were involved so that different practices and outcomes could be compared and analyzed.

Moreover, considering the educational aspects that crucially  important in training (internship in my case) also, the whole process was reviewed by 5 field experts in distance learning, training, instructional design and curriculum development, Educational Technology and Communication, and organization development areas.  

and  finally they suggested using digital technology to enhance learning processes such as blogging, chat, discussion boards, e-mail, E-learning courseware, and learning management systems(Chandavimol, Natakuatoong and Tantrarungroj, 2013)

There is no need to explain how staff professional development could influence the companies or organizations’ interests and success. Considering the specific circumstances and particulars that should be taken into account while designing the training (or internship) I particularly liked that the authors fulfilled three-stage training: pre-training, training, end-of-training, which they belief, is the most efficient to implement the process. I found it helpful and worth to use while organizing the whole process of internship which should combine online learning and action learning in office. Alhamdulillah and thanks to ILT Module, I managed to design a short online course. As per interns, they are typically actively involved into the office work, so all I need now is to combine both activities, synchronize and harmonize the accomplishments. 

Being back to paper, although the article provided plenty of empirical data, which analyzed the level of accessibility to relevant learning IT technologies, experiences, application of knowledge management planning and quality of flexible/blended trainings, I appreciated most that it identified the level of digital technologies literacy and IT habits of participants during the trainings. The research showed less familiarity with Web Blogging -10.0%, Chat - 7.6% and Discussion Board - 7.3%. Still the needs and expectations of learners were mostly focused on work-related issues as: advice of an expert -13.5%, action learning-13.2%, practice - 12.3%, and self-directed learning (readings) - 11.3%. It is also identified that formatted knowledge could be found in charts - 28.9%, 25.8% reported Intranet, 16.9% - knowledge portal. 

Resuming I need to admit that digital technologies have penetrated our life so deeply and deliberately transformed our attitude and perceptions as well as modified the values and criteria of contemporary learning and training approving the fact of its essentiality, purposefulness and efficiency. The article for my view touched the most critical aspects of contemporary professional education, so it could also allow me to settle key points, navigate and plan the actions accordingly to be more focused on particular learners’(interns) needs and provide overall productive internship in WIUT international office.  


Chandavimol, P., Natakuatoong, O. and Tantrarungroj, P. (2013). Knowledge Management and Action Learning in Blended Training Activities. Creative Education, 04 (09), 51–55. Available from [Accessed 8 April 2020].


Table 1. Technology enhanced knowledge management and action learning in blended training activities. (Chandavimol, Natakuatoong and Tantrarungroj, 2013)

Group of  Technology



Communication Technology




Learning management systems

Chat rooms


Collaboration Technology

Web boards

Web blog

Discussion boards

Data warehouses


Storage Technology

Document management systems

Knowledge repositories

e-Learning courseware



Learning Technology

Video Clips

Experts yellow pages

Knowledge maps

Internet search engines

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