Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Visitors & Residents


    Visitors & Residents

image 1

Before VS now

image 2

     I presented two images above in order to illustrate my personal engagement with digital technologies and internet applications. As you may see initially (image 1) I majorly positioned myself as a typical internet user for different purposes as working, education, personal development, hobby and leisure. I am elder that most of my colleagues, however I try to be within trends, update my knowledge and skills, however still I need to point that it would sometimes take more time to get familiar with IT novelties rather than youngsters. Although initially there were tendencies stating that digital technologies are more perceivable or/and comprehensible and therefore frequently used by younger generation rather than aged, Marc Prensky links it to the New Era of internet (connectivism), to be more exact to youth that has grown up along with technologies. Partly I agree with this statement, there is a certain correlation, however I think that although the older generation is not so enthusiastically engaged in using ITs or/and AIs it is still more about the needs (personal or institutional) or/and motivations that could influence on the level of someone’s IT skills. I tried to figure out how myself familiar with internet platforms through positioning due to Resident and Visitors categories described by White (2014).
Interestingly, I traced the transformation occurred in my professional and personal development. I noticed that previously i was mostly the consumer of information; an even educational platform was applied as a student especially when it came to professional progress, so unavoidably WIUT  KPIs policy  encourages to lifelong education. However I never used any educational platform to share the knowledge, to teach or/and  train.. My knowledge was continuously accumulated, only random suggestions were shared to others. Recently, I managed to transform the knowledge flows in order to transit it to others: colleagues, interns and other interested stakeholders. During the ILT module we studded plenty of LMSs, platforms and Apps that facilitates the educational processes, and by positioning the icons I mapped the purpose of certain tools usage and level of each tool comprehension as visitor or resident. 
       It is observable that most of new icons (image 2) related to educational implements. Although some of them still were learnt as per visitor’s level, still potentially it would be used in future as per resident’s level. I would like to emphasize that tasks and assessment developed through the ILT module allowed us to get more familiar with internet educational facilities in a very short period by applying educational platforms and other IT tools Isamukhamedova (2023). For example, we ellaborated a short online course, which we have as a part of coursework. I have never used any items for blogging and it was extremely new for me. However, again I concluded that certain suggestions or/and announcement, or news or novelties could be spread through this particular channel in a very appropriate manner. This module literally opened me the flourishing world of ITs in education and beyond. In Globally, it allowed me to advance creativity skills along with structuring and conceptualization of mentorship. I am eagerly anticipating what next in life, definitely something new and exciting.




Isamukhamedova, N. (2023). Digital tools. Padlet. Available from https://padlet.com/nodira_isa/digital-tools-pm8bf6rf0ynk7wop [Accessed 5 April 2023].


White, D. (2014). Visitors and Residents. www.youtube.com. Available from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPOG3iThmRI.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

About Me

My name is Gulnora Mirzalieva. I am a Senior Executive Officer for International Collaboration in Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT). I have been working for WIUT since November 2015. Majorly, I fulfil duties related to international matter that comprises the coordination and fulfilment the university’s strategic purpose (internationalization and partnerships) from one side and facilitate internal operational needs such as support, guidance, and assistance for WIUT’s international community. The main purpose of creating this blog is to assist WIUT international staff and students in terms of relevant information, guidance, coordination, and other needed assistance. I am aimed and determined to facilitate them in accordance with university as well as government laws and regulations. Being part of WIUT International office I provide support and assistance to upcoming WIUT international staff and students as well as coordinate the processes of their further stay in Uzbekistan due to legitimacy requirements. The matters related to international staff and students’ acculturation and adaptation as well as aid in academic, administrative, and personal concerns are also the part of the identified office responsibilities.  I serve as a source of information and remain the first contact person for any query or/and emergency purposes.

Explore Coursera

 Explore Coursera   Online Learning Platform